Discovering your Strengths

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“Strength shows not only in the ability to persist, but the ability to start over.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald (The Great Gatsby)

Our strengths show up in a myriad of ways throughout our lives. Some are obvious, we may have a talent for sport, art or strategic thinking, and use that competency in our work, relationships or pleasure. 

When we are challenged however, a different type of strength is needed.  We may have to persist through a difficult situation, where there seems to be no end in sight. Sometimes we lose something or someone we value, be it a loved one, material possession or a role with which we identify. We are called upon to access our inner resources and are often surprised by our capabilities.

Another way in which our strengths can be seen, is by showing us a measure of their use or misuse. For example; we may display great determination by working long hours to complete a work project, that same capability can cause us to become overworked and stressed. We can also use our skills to help others which can be rewarding however, if unaware of our own boundaries, it can be to the detriment of ourselves. Even our greatest strengths can become an impediment, if we are unaware of our boundaries and those of others.
It is by ‘knowing ourselves’ that we have the clarity to make continual choices that benefit our wellbeing. 

Discovering our strengths is another way to grow and learn, in order to live the very best version of ourselves.

At The Alchemist Within we discover your strengths through:
  • Discussing with you about how you currently perceive your strengths
  • Working with you to explore and discover new strengths and possibilities
  • Providing you with knowledge and skills to perform at your best

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