Personal Growth

ico6 personal growth
“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.”

Nelson Mandela

As we learn and grow constantly throughout our lives, there are many stages of development from birth through to adulthood. Along the way we inherit behavioral patterns and ways of being from our parents, teachers, peers and our environment. We can also develop subconscious survival strategies to assist us through certain phases of our lives. For example, as a child we may have a parent that doesn’t respect our privacy and speaks openly to others about topics we consider private. Their indiscretion may cause us to shut down emotionally, therefore finding it difficult to express our feelings. As an adult, we soon discover being unable to share how we feel has an impact on relationships, be it personal or professional. Developing our awareness of how we relate with ourselves and others is the first step to recognising a need for change.

We can become resistance to change, not wanting to move from what is familiar; our ‘comfort zone’. It can take courage to look within ourselves and recognise patterns of behaviour that are holding us back from our greatest potential. When we make a conscious choice to learn and grow through our experiences, we feel encouraged, with renewed strength and confidence to move forward. We evolve at a deep level to become the person we truly want to be.

At The Alchemist Within we look at personal growth through:
  • Discussing with you about what personal growth means to you
  • Working with you to explore how you would like to grow further and in what areas 
  • Explore what is preventing you from making change in your life




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